WhatsApp this year has introduced support a voice call on their popular messaging applications - easy for anyone to WhatsApp to make voice calls to each other. Now, moving forward, WhatsApp owned by Facebook's views may be introduced support for video calls.
WhatsAppFungsi video calls appear to have been tried a number of users on the beta version to iOS WhatsApp. Using it, users can make calls as normal video, and also can control audio support and a few others.
As many are aware, a number of other messaging applications are already available to support video calls - including Facebook Messenger own.
It is not known yet when WhatsApp will introduce support for video calls, given the various optimized to be done, including in terms of data usage for the video calls.
WhatsAppFungsi video calls appear to have been tried a number of users on the beta version to iOS WhatsApp. Using it, users can make calls as normal video, and also can control audio support and a few others.
As many are aware, a number of other messaging applications are already available to support video calls - including Facebook Messenger own.
It is not known yet when WhatsApp will introduce support for video calls, given the various optimized to be done, including in terms of data usage for the video calls.