Since more than a few hours ago, Steam - one-stop site for computer games seen facing problems with caching, where Steam users who log into the Steam Store service are shown in the accounts of other users.
Steam Machine
Valve has not released any statement regarding this issue at the moment, but many users have begun to talk about it on social sites, including Reddit.
Rather than speculating public, it might be due to configuration caching web pages that may be mistaken, causing the user can access a page that is not addressed to them. Support caching frequently used web providers worldwide to offer the content faster to users - which it draws content from the server closest to them.
This problem resulted in some personal data such as e-mail information, addresses, credit card or accessible to other users.
Up to now, the Valve has not released any comment regarding this issue - although this is seen as a caching problem has been resolved and was gradually recovering.
Steam Machine
Valve has not released any statement regarding this issue at the moment, but many users have begun to talk about it on social sites, including Reddit.
Rather than speculating public, it might be due to configuration caching web pages that may be mistaken, causing the user can access a page that is not addressed to them. Support caching frequently used web providers worldwide to offer the content faster to users - which it draws content from the server closest to them.
This problem resulted in some personal data such as e-mail information, addresses, credit card or accessible to other users.
Up to now, the Valve has not released any comment regarding this issue - although this is seen as a caching problem has been resolved and was gradually recovering.