Sometimes when you're listening to a song on Spotify, you want to know the lyrics of the song being played. There are several methods to find the lyrics of a song, and one of the applications that simplify the process of Genius.
genius Android
Using Genius, it runs in the background, and track and allows you to view the lyrics of a song with easy to use. Besides being able to search on their application, users will also be displayed with notification - notification under Spotify to allow users to access the Genius and read the lyrics being played constantly.
From our experiments, it just displays the lyrics to the songs were popular only in English for now, and do not work for songs in Bahasa Malaysia at the moment.
Genius also be used in conjunction with Apple and Google Play Music Music, apart from Spotify.
Download Genius for Android
genius Android
Using Genius, it runs in the background, and track and allows you to view the lyrics of a song with easy to use. Besides being able to search on their application, users will also be displayed with notification - notification under Spotify to allow users to access the Genius and read the lyrics being played constantly.
From our experiments, it just displays the lyrics to the songs were popular only in English for now, and do not work for songs in Bahasa Malaysia at the moment.
Genius also be used in conjunction with Apple and Google Play Music Music, apart from Spotify.
Download Genius for Android